Friday, May 17, 2013

A look inside...

The hardest thing to accept about my dysautonomia is:
I have had a hard time slowing down. My personality and chronic illness don’t go well together. In my head I want to organize, workout hard, volunteer, do projects, go to the park, work my business and have lunch with friends. But my body fails me when I try to keep pace with the buzzing busy people around me.  Because my symptoms wax and wane, there are days where I feel good and ready to conquer the world.  I begin filling up my calendar and taking on more projects, etc.... inevitably, rough days are just around the corner when I can barely find the strength and energy to take care of myself and my kids and I get overwhelmed with all of the things I've committed myself to.  Then the guilt kicks in and I begin an inner dialog that can completely destroy me.  I am so thankful that I know Christ and HIS truths.  It helps me get through the times when I listen to my inner dialog or what the world tells me I should be doing.  I constantly need to prioritize and re-prioritize my days to be the best me I can be... even if some days that may look "lazy" to others. - Kari

The hardest thing to accept about my dysautonomia is:
" I am not able to participate or be as active as I would like to be because my energy level is so low.  Some days I can not complete dance class (and I love to dance!) or make it through a day of school without feeling like I'm about to die.  MORNINGS. ARE. TERRIBLE!  I would love to be outside doing things with my friends, but I can not handle the heat." - Hannah

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